Glossary search:


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A bid is the maximum amount of money that an advertiser is willing to pay for ads display. If you set a low bid, your

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A breadcrumb is a series of links that website users use to navigate a website and track the website homepage from the page they’re currently

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Branded Keyword

A branded keyword is a searched phrase that includes the brand’s name. For example, “ used Apple phones”, “Apple stores nearby”, “Apple computers review”, etc. 

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Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a percentage of users who visited the page but have not performed any actions on it. Simply put, it is about people

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Bot Traffic

Bot traffic is traffic generated by bots, so non-humans. Mostly, bots traffic is considered harmful and risky. They can either attack the site for data

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Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS, JavaScript framework for frontend developers which helps them to build websites faster. It contains a lot of reusable pieces of

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A blacklist is a list of websites that advertisers choose not to display ads on. Usually, websites with spam, insecure connections, or inappropriate content end

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Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is the set of tactics that are prohibited by Google or other search engines and aimed at reaching the top search result

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Bing is a search engine introduced by Microsoft in 2009 and the second most popular search engine after Google.  Bing is a default search engine

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Bid Request

A bid request is a piece of code that contains information about the user who loads the website. It includes such data as location, gender,

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