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A pre-roll ad is a video ad that automatically plays before the video a user intended to watch on an online video platform. These ads

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A publisher is an individual or a company responsible for content publication on a website. They are also known as affiliates who host affiliate links

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Profit is the sum of money you gain from your sales after having paid all expenses for a certain period. When there is an income

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Private Marketplace

Private Marketplace is a widely popular notion in digital advertising that means a real-time auction model of buying. The professional publishers offer their creations and

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Prelander is a type of lander that is displayed before the typical offer landing page. It is a great promotion tool used for convincing people

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Prebid.js. is an open-source, header bidding platform for the web. Prebid.js is the WordPress analog for header bidding. It includes more than 150 demand sources

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PPC Affiliates

PPC affiliates are affiliates who send traffic to a brand’s website and get paid for every click on the affiliate link. Other affiliates may get

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Piracy is the term that is related to search engines’ aim to detect the content that violates the copyright by reducing the organic search rankings

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Postback URL

Postback URL is an invisible link moving from one server to another, therefore, it is often called Server-to-Server (S2S). There are two parties connected: the

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