AdSpyglass Webmaster’s Glossary

We’ve collected over 500 the most important terms and definitions that will help webmasters to easily navigate through the complex world of Advertising Technologies

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Abandonment happens when a user almost completes an action on the web pages but actually never finishes the process. There are several types of abandonment:

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Above the Fold

Above the fold is the part of the website that is visible without scrolling down. This upper part gets a lot of attention from website

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Action Lifecycle

The life cycle of a transaction is the aggregate name for all the actions that a customer can perform in the interval between the opening

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Ad Campaign

An ad campaign is a set of numerous advertisements that carry the same message but look differently and are shared across different mediums. Ad campaigns

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Ad Exchange

An ad exchange is a marketplace where publishers sell advertising space to advertisers. It works as a real-time auction: publishers provide information about advertising space:

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Ad Mediation

Ad mediation is the next-generation technology that allows publishers to connect to and manage campaigns on multiple networks. Considered something of recent innovation, ad mediation

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Ad Server

An ad server is a specific technology that decides what ads to show to individual users and where. They also provide analytics to the advertisers

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Ad Tag

An ad tag is a snippet of code on the publisher’s website that sends a request to the ad server. This request includes information about

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Ad Verification

Ad verification is a system designed to test and verify adverts to ensure that their ads are displayed on the right websites, in the right

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  • tshop
  • tubecorporate
  • buymedia
  • ero
  • juicy
  • mobiteasy
  • adnium
  • hilltopads
  • trafficforce
  • propellerads
  • exo
  • trafficstars
  • clickaine
  • traffichunt
  • popads
  • popmyads
  • royalads
  • popcash
  • trafficstars