
Impression indicates the number of times the particular ads have shown up on a site during the users’ visit. Basically, the ads are usually displayed by affiliates through various banners, links, text, or any other promotional material that appears on a certain page for visitors. 

The impressions are calculated by multiplying the overall number of views by the average number of visitors. That means, every time the impression unit is recorded means the piece of promotional material was displayed one single time. 

Impression plays an essential role in affiliate marketing, as it can significantly increase the performance of the marketing campaign. There are several methods of increasing the total number of impressions:

  1. Improve the quality of your ads by making them more targeted to a specific audience.
  2. Use the broad match of keywords to generate high-quality traffic: phrase match and other related keywords.
  3. Include negative keywords to avoid targeting unrelated sites or videos. 
  4. Spend more on keyword bids to get more chances for winning the auction to get the short-term results.
  5. Select different placements for the ads to determine the most beneficial position with the highest number of impressions.
  6. Make use of the geo-targeting and time targeting tricks to enlarge your target audiences.

By utilizing these actionable tips, you will certainly boost the overall number of impressions for your ads!

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See the full list of our partner networks with auto-import support: 

  • tshop
  • tubecorporate
  • buymedia
  • ero
  • juicy
  • mobiteasy
  • adnium
  • hilltopads
  • trafficforce
  • propellerads
  • exo
  • trafficstars
  • clickaine
  • traffichunt
  • popads
  • popmyads
  • royalads
  • popcash
  • trafficstars